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Sales Policy:

When kids become available we will notify you by email, Facebook Messenger, and/or by phone call or text message that your kid is available, along with the kid’s price and pictures, if available. We ask that you respond back within 48 hours. If we do not hear back after 48 hours, we will assume you forfeit your spot and offer it to the next person on the list.


Once you agree to purchase a kid from the wait list you will be asked to provide the deposit to us within 48 hours. We accept Paypal. Deposit is $400 or 50% of the purchase price, whichever is less. For both reservation and wait list purchases, the balance will be due at the time you pick up the kid, or BEFORE scheduled pick up by a third party, delivery, or ship date.


All breeding stock are sold registered with ADGA with their ADGA registration papers.


Deposits are refunded if we determine the kid is unfit for sale, or if we otherwise cancel the sale. We understand that sometimes life can be terribly unpredictable and under certain circumstances, on a case-by-case basis, we may elect to refund a deposit at our discretion, if the buyer chooses not to follow through with the sale.


We reserve the right to cancel any sale or reservation at any time. 


Shipping & Transport:

Ground shipping available via pre-approved (Artemis Goat Transport), or other mutually agreed-upon ground transport. Buyers are responsible for any and all shipping and associated shipping costs (crate, health certs, etc.). As each situation is unique, please contact us to discuss details regarding delivery or shipping. We always try to make this process as smooth as possible for everyone involved.



We vaccinate yearly for CD&T ,Bose, worming is done yearly : Adults are wormed with Ivomec . all kids under 1yr are wormed with Valbazen. The herd is tested yearly for CAE . Thru WADDL. Free choice minerals ,salt and baking soda . Kelp is feed top dressed to all grain i x daily.

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